Future Goals

Journalism is a growing industry, with plenty of options for the eager writer. Some may see this growth as a negative influence (fragmentation, lower reader base etc.). To me I feel that this is a positive influence because it ensures that a writer will not have to edit his own views to fit a "wider audience", and it allows writers to discover their niche and thrive within it. As a budding writer I am still looking for which niche I wish to inhabit. The two main options in my mind are entertainment journalism, or technology journalism. These two career choices would help my creative juices to flow, and allow me to write interesting material. We all have an opinion but the full effect of that opinion can only be achieved through good writing. This is why I am going to college. I need to learn how to write well in order for my opinions to garner their full effect.

You attend college in order to learn, which is exactly what I plan on doing. I need to improve my writing style, and my sentence structure before I can succeed in my career. That being said I do have some positive attributes, such as my strong morals, and my dependability. I also have previous experience in journalism: blog posts, and announcements at school. All I need is a focal point in order to start my journalistic flame. A career in journalism is a career for me.