Sunday, November 14, 2010

Further Work

This is an excerpt from a Blog post I wrote last June. I feel it gives an accurate depiction of my writing abilities, and should show you my tastes, and knowledge regarding cinema.

10. Short Circuit: In the middle of this film there is a simply heartwarming dance sequence between the robot Johnny-5, and his girl Stephanie. It is a short but extremely satisfying dance sequence. The combination of practical, and stop motion effects meld together perfectly to create an exciting, and believable dance number. If you like robots, and if you like dancing this is the perfect movie for you to check out.

9. Return Of the Jedi: The Star Wars saga is filled to the brim with a plethora of musical numbers. One of the more memorable numbers includes a unique dance sequence. I am of course talking about The Jabbas Palace scene, in which Jabba has his slave girls perform for him. It ends with Jabba dropping his dancer into a pit, and delivers us out first glimpse of the mighty Rancor. Along with the dance sequence the music in this scene is very catchy and upbeat.This scene was later updated by George Lucas in 1997 and I feel it is one of his better updates made in the special editions.

8. Beauty and The Beast: Not much to say about this one, most of you should know about it already. It involves Belle dancing with the Mighty Beast, and is one of the high points of film. It is romantic, inspiring, and is an essential element to the plot. All this Combined with a beautiful background, this sequence accomplishes everything it set out to. It is everything you are looking for in a Dance, and it is one of the first thoughts that come into mind when you mention the film.

7. Blues Brothers: This is where are first musical appears (surprisingly there is only one more). Yes I am talking about the classic Saturday night live musical comedy "Blues Brothers". The entire movie is filled with excellent choreography, but one scene in particular shines. It is the scene that occurs in the church. Accompanied by the superb music of James Brown the two brothers Jake and Elroy partake in a massive churchwide dance. This scene is what gives the characters there motivation, and is extremely entertaining to boot. The best part of the dance is when Jim Belushi's character finally sees the "light" and moves in ways you never thought a fat man could. Excellent dance from an excellent film.

6. The Music Man: The final musical on my list is the 1960s film "The Music Man". This is my favorite musical of all time, and the dance sequence is one of my favorites as well. The scene in question is the moment of the film in which Buddy Hacketts character breaks out into song, and does an entertaining and hilarious dance routine. The song is Shipoopi (most of you may know it from its parody on Family guy). This dance always manages to put a smile on my face, and it flows perfectly. If you have not seen this film I recommend you give it a chance due to this musical number alone. Noticing a trend in my last two picks? I enjoy fat men breaking it down, just a personal preference I can relate to it.

5. Fright Night: Ever see a devil dance in pale moonlight? Well this may be the closest you ever get to that experience. Seeing the Charming vampire Jerry Dandridge seduce the stunning Amy Peterson is amazing. Dancing to 80s disco music, and moving to the beats create a chilling, and memorable scene. Amy tries to resist but she cannot, Dandridge is to powerful. The best part of this dance is when she looks at the mirror and you can only see her reflection Dandridge is invisible to the mirror. If you've ever wondered how vampires manage to swoon fair maidens in the 80's look no further then Fright Night.

4. The Terminator: This dance scene is notable due to its creepiness factor. In a lot of ways this sequence is similar to Fright Nights both take place in Night Clubs during the climax of a chase sequence. What gives Terminator the edge however is the way its shot. The Tech Noir comes to life in this short scene. The sight of a mysterious figure wading through the crowd about to pull a shotgun upon an unsuspecting Sarah Connor gives me chills every time I see it. This scene feels so 80s, the outfits, the dancing, the music everything reminds us of this time. It harks back to a time period in which people actually participated in dancing instead of this pointless grinding we had nowadays. It is the first time we see the Terminator in action, and it is a scene that will stick in my mind till the end of my days.

3. Grosse Pointe Blank: You left your old hometown 10 years ago, since then you have joint the military and have became a skilled assassin. You receive a ticket to your High-school reunion, and you decide to go. If This premise sound interesting to you then you will like Grosse Pointe Blank. This hilarious 1997 dark comedy has a brilliant dance sequence. While you don't see much actual dancing going on its still hilarious and memorable. Seeing Martin Blank akwardly making conversation with people he hasn't seen in 10 years is brilliant. Its odd how the guy who kills people for a living is the sanest of his entire class. The scene has a brilliant climax, and is what the entire movie builds up to.

2. Carrie: Scariest Dance ever. This was the reason I was avoiding prom originally. This scene is both tragic and terrifying. Carrie White is the victim of a cruel prank that causes her to loose control and murder all of her classmates. It is brilliantly shot, and wonderfully edited. Brian De Palma gave Stephen Kings masterpiece justice with this scene. This scene will stay in your mind long after the film is done, and it is the scene that epitomizes the tragedy the film represents. Not since Shakespeare hath a tragedy been so heart breaking. If you don't attend prom tomorrow and are looking for an excuse make sure to reference Carrie in your arguments. Useful for anyone having an Anti-Prom party.

1. Back To The Future: Anyone who knows me knew that this would be number one. Can you really argue though? The Enchantment under the sea dance is pure brilliance. The dialogue, the plot, the characters, the dancing, the music, I could go on for hours and hours about this scene and all of the things it succeeds at. It inspired me to write this list. The 50s and the 80s two of my favourite decades culminating in one movie. Back To The Future is not only one of the best Dance movies of all time, it is also one of the best Movies of all time. So until next time "Hey You, Get Your Damn Hands Off Of Her".